Thelma Movie Screening & Networking Hour


Thelma Movie Screening
& Networking Hour

Tuesday, July 16 at 5:00pm | Alamo Drafthouse Lower Manhattan, New York City

Feedzai Presents:
Thelma Movie Screening
& Networking Hour

Tuesday, July 16 at 5:00pm
Alamo Drafthouse Lower Manhattan, New York City

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Feedzai invites you and your colleagues to an exclusive evening at Alamo Drafthouse in New York City. Enjoy a complimentary showing of Thelma, a critically acclaimed film that premiered at the Sundance Film Festival and is now hitting theaters nationwide.

Thelma tells the compelling story of a 93-year-old grandmother who falls victim to a $10,000 phone scam. Determined to reclaim her stolen money, she teams up with a friend and his motorized scooter, embarking on a daring journey across
Los Angeles.

This fictional, lighthearted narrative highlights the very real and urgent issue of elder fraud and scams affecting individuals worldwide.

Who Should Attend

We extend this invitation to banking and fraud professionals across the tri-state area. Connect with peers during a brief networking reception, followed by a private screening of Thelma.

Event Details

  • Networking Reception: Mingle with fellow professionals before the movie.
  • Movie Screening: Immerse yourself in a story that underscores the importance of combating fraud.
  • Food and Beverages: Enjoy complimentary refreshments, with additional options available for purchase.

Seats are limited, and registration is required. Secure your spot for an evening of insightful discussion and entertainment. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity— RSVP now!

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Navigating the Scam Landscape: 
Practical Insights and Strategies 
for Prevention


Archives Events

July 23, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. EDT / 15:00 BST

in cooperation with PwC Czech Republic

Scams are evolving rapidly, creating substantial risks for individuals and organizations worldwide. This webinar will delve into the latest trends and tactics employed by scammers, providing valuable insights into the impact of scams on consumers and businesses.

Our expert speakers will share practical strategies and best practices for identifying and preventing scams, leveraging insights from the Global Anti-Scam Alliance (GASA) State of Scam Reports.

Join us to understand the complex web of scams, explore the latest statistics, and learn how to effectively safeguard against these threats. We will cover advanced deception techniques, the exploitation of real-time payment systems, and effective strategies for managing fraud holistically.

Key Takeaways:

  • Gain insights into the current scam trends and dynamics in regions across the world.
  • Understand how scammers use social engineering, technology exploitation, social media manipulation, and real-time payment systems to commit fraud.
  • Learn about advanced scam prevention techniques such as customer-centric risk scoring, behavioral biometrics, and transactional pattern analysis that can help identify and prevent scams​​.
  • Discover how to educate consumers about scam risks and improve scam reporting mechanisms to enhance trust and protection​​.
  • Understand the financial and emotional toll of scams, including detailed statistics on losses and emotional impact from the latest GASA reports​​​​.

Don’t miss this opportunity to arm yourself with the latest insights and strategies to combat scams. Register today to reserve your place in this essential webinar.

Secure Your Spot Now!



Jorij Abraham
Managing Director, Global Anti-Scam Alliance (GASA)

Jeny Rasheva
Fraud Services Lead, PwC

Hardeep Rai
Product Director for Issuing & Acquiring Fraud Prevention, Feedzai

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Meet Feedzai at ACFE Global Fraud Conference


ACFE Global Fraud Conference

June 23-26, 2024 | Aria Resort, Las Vegas

Put AI at the Center of Fraud Prevention

Fraud teams are the unsung heroes of financial institutions, battling scams, account takeovers, and new account fraud every day. On a daily basis, these critical actors fend off destructive fraud threats including scams, account takeovers (ATOs), and new account fraud.

With fraudsters leveraging AI to up their game, it’s time for fraud teams to fight fire with fire.

Join Feedzai at the ACFE Global Fraud Conference to learn how our end-to-end platform empowers fraud and data science teams with powerful AI tools to enhance fraud prevention and operational efficiencies.

Meet our team at Booth No. 206 to learn how our solution provies financial institutions with:

  • AI-powered, proactive fraud prevention
  • Efficient investigations through a centralized case management system
  • Built-in responsible AI to reduce bias

Meet us there!

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Secure Horizons: Strengthening Canada’s Fraud Defenses


Secure Horizons
Strengthening Canada’s Fraud Defenses

EY Tower, 100 Adelaide St. W., 40th floor, Toronto

A Feedzai & EY Executive Forum

Date: Tuesday, June 25, 2024 Time: 2:30 – 5:30pm Location: EY Tower, Toronto

Register Now


Join EY and Feedzai for an exclusive, invitation-only, event where leaders from Canada’s banking and payments industries convene to share cutting-edge strategies, explore transformative technologies, and forge a united front against fraud and scams. We’ll explore AI solutions, discuss proactive defense against GenAI threats, and come together to strengthen Canada’s financial security.


  • 2:30 PM – Registration
  • 2:45 PM – Panel 1: United Against Fraud: Strategies for Enhanced Prevention and Security
  • 3:45 PM – Panel 2: Generative AI: The New Frontier of Fraud Threats and Prevention
  • 4:30 PM – Networking: Cocktails and Hors d’oeuvres

Panel 1

United Against Fraud:
Strategies for Enhanced Prevention and Security

This session aims to catalyze effective innovation and collaboration as an ongoing commitment among Canada’s financial leaders. By breaking down silos and leveraging collective knowledge and technology, Canadian banks can protect their customers more efficiently and build a resilient defense against the rising tide of financial scams.


  • Mathieu Auger-Perreault, Partner and National Fraud Risk Consulting Leader, EY
  • Dan Holmes, Fraud Prevention SME, Feedzai


  • Ramzi Bou Hamdan, Partner, FinCrime Risk Consulting Leader, EY Canada

Together, we’ll explore key themes

Advanced Analytical

Delve into the transformative potential of deploying advanced data analytics, like AI and machine learning, data sharing, and inbound payments monitoring. These techniques are increasingly utilized to expand the threat detection network, address advanced payment fraud trends and tackle mule accounts. Enhance the predictive capabilities of fraud detection systems using historical knowledge, transaction analysis, and contextual data.

Unified Framework Against Fraud

Explore the development of a collaborative framework where financial institutions operate not as isolated entities but as a unified front. This includes sharing real-time intelligence on scam trends and ensuring a holistic security posture across all customer touch points and IT infrastructures. What could the role of Canadian consortium scoring and databases have on advanced fraud typologies?

Stopping Scams Before Origination

Discuss strategies to mitigate the origination of scams across non-banking channels, like fake advertisements, emails, calls, social media and telco providers.

Panel 2

Generative AI:
The New Frontier of Fraud Threats 
and Prevention

As an industry, we are constantly innovating, but so are fraudsters. Generative AI (GenAI) is a powerful new tool that fraudsters are starting to exploit. This session dives into the potential threats posed by Generative AI and explores the exciting possibilities it also offers for fraud prevention. Together, we’ll explore Generative AI fraud threats, including synthetic identity theft, deepfakes for account takeover, doctored financial documents, and evolving malware and phishing attacks


  • Hugo Ferreira, Director of Research Data Science, Feedzai
  • Yara Elias, Ph.D., AI Risk Lead & Risk Analytics Senior Manager, EY


  • Jasbir Anand, Customer Strategy and Value Engineering Lead, Feedzai

Key topics

Synthetic Data

Create realistic, anonymized training data for AI and machine learning models, improving their ability to detect novel and evolving fraud patterns.


Train AI models to identify subtle inconsistencies in data that might indicate a synthetic identity or a doctored document.


Analyze user behavior patterns (typing speed, mouse movements) and use Generative AI to create anomaly detection models that flag suspicious deviations.

Proactive Threat

Utilize GenAI to simulate future fraud scenarios and proactively develop defenses against emerging threats.

Be a part of the solution.
Join us in shaping a more secure financial future for Canada.

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Stop Real-Time Payments Fraud at Payments Canada


Payments Canada SUMMIT

May 29 – 31, 2024 | Beanfield Centre | Toronto, ON

Unlock Personalized Fraud Prevention Insights

Secure a limited slot for a focused, one-on-one session with our AI specialists. Get your toughest real-time payment fraud questions answered and tailor strategies for your institution.

Reserve your insight session now.

Register Now

The Power of Unified Decisioning in the Fight Against Fraud and Scams

May 30th @ 1:15pm | Global Payments Track

From websites to mobile apps to call centers to paper checks, criminals treat every (yes, every!) banking payment channel available as a fraud target.

With fraud infiltrating every available banking channel, banks and financial institutions face a critical challenge: how to implement a holistic cross-channel view for fraud prevention. Plus, what role should network providers, telecom firms, and data providers play in the fight against fraud? And how do we educate customers to become the first line of defense against scams?

Addressing these questions will become paramount when Canada’s Real-Time Rail (RTR) launches. Join Feedzai and leaders from major banks to learn how banks can implement a unified decisioning approach to fraud and scam prevention.

Key takeaways:

  • Payment fraud trends show growing threats across all payment types
  • Monitoring activity across payment types, outbound and inbound, provides a holistic defense against mules and scams of all types
  • Visibility and anomaly detection across customer touch-points provide rich context to prevent and detect payment fraud

Global Expertise, Canadian Focus

Want to hear about what worked and what didn’t for real-time payment protection in other markets?
Let us help you learn from their experience and protect yourself from day one.

Protection Across All
Payment Channels

Omnichannel view of risk enables superior fraud prevention with simplified operations and less cost.

Fraud Prevention

Behavioral biometrics and device intelligence help stop scams and account takeovers while reducing false positives.

AI-Powered Fraud Management

Segment-of-One Profiles deliver superior accuracy and adaptability while industry-leading Responsible AI protects against bias.

Learn More

Insights & Trends

Get the latest insights on fraud threats and prevention strategies.

Webinar on Demand

In this exciting webinar on-demand, Feedzai CEO Nuno Sebastiao is joined by Chris Phillips, SVP of Royal Bank of Canada to discuss data and technology across a changing payments landscape.

Watch Now!


This comprehensive report by the Global Anti-Scam Alliance (GASA) and Feedzai is grounded in a survey of 989 Canadians and paints a vivid picture of the scam landscape.

Read Now!


Access Feedzai’s exclusive research into the state of elder fraud in the US and Canada and learn how banks can improve outcomes for scam victims.

Read Now!

More Trust. Less Crime.

Our real-time risk analysis stops fraud before money is lost, protecting you and your customers.


consumers protected worldwide


transactions per second analyzed by Feedzai AI


in payments analyzed every year

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Transform Your Bank's Fraud Defenses


Meet Feedzai at Transform Finance FinCrime & Cybersecurity Summit in Charlotte

Thursday, May 2

Transform Your Bank’s Fraud Defenses

It’s an unfortunate reality in financial services that the earliest adopters of new products and services are not customers. It’s criminals.

Reacting to fraud and scams is insufficient in a world where criminals are outpacing and innovating faster than ever. Financial institutions need proactive solutions that both meet today’s fraud and scam challenges and are future-proof for tomorrow.

Transform Your Bank’s Fraud Defenses

Join us at Transform Finance FinCrime & Cybersecurity Summit to gain exclusive insights into:

  • Using cutting-edge technology like predictive analytics, behavioral biometrics, and data science to identify suspicious activity proactively
  • Fighting scams and money mules with transaction monitoring before customers’ money is stolen
  • Optimizing your financial institution’s defenses with new account fraud detection to stop criminals at the front door.

Let’s Connect
Let’s schedule a 15-minute chat at the Summit. Share your preferred date and time, and unlock the full potential of safe and seamless transactions with Feedzai.

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Protect Faster Payments with Smarter Fraud Controls


Meet Feedzai at Booth 338at Smarter Faster Payments

May 6-9, 2024

Meet Feedzai

Enable Faster Payments Adoption with Smarter Fraud Controls

Instant payments enable faster settlement, delivering customer convenience and speed. However, this innovation comes with its own set of challenges and new demands for real-time fraud monitoring and controls.

Learn how to enable and grow instant payments with fraud controls to protect the whole customer journey!

Feedzai is proud to sponsor the Smarter Faster Payments conference in Miami. Meet the Feedzai team at the summit to learn critical instant payment lessons, including:

  • Best practices to protect instant payments across the customer journey, and common pitfalls that leave banks vulnerable to instant payment fraud
  • How Feedzai’s cutting-edge technology helps banks safely deploy and scale instant payments, by safeguarding your customers from fraud attacks before they happen, protecting your customers and your bottom line.

Meet us in person!
Interested in transforming or implementing your instant payment processes with unparalleled security? Schedule a 15-minute chat with our team at Smarter Faster Payments in Miami. We’re ready to help you unlock the full potential of instant payments with Feedzai.

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Meet Feedzai at Instant Payments Summit


Archives Events

Tuesday, April 16

Stop Instant Payments from Becoming Instant Fraud Losses

Instant payments are all about delivering customer convenience and speed by enabling faster settlement times for transfers. However, this innovation comes with its own set of challenges, primarily the increased risk of fraud.

Too often, faster payments mean faster fraud. Once a payment is sent, it’s gone forever, with very little chance of recovering the funds.

Learn how to protect instant payments at the front door and across the customer journey!

Feedzai is proud to sponsor the Kinfos Instant Payments & Fraud Management Summit in New York. Meet the Feedai team at the summit to learn critical instant payment lessons, including:

  • The most common pitfalls that leave banks vulnerable to instant payment fraud 
  • How Feedzai’s cutting-edge fraud prevention technology can help banks detect and prevent fraud before it happens, safeguarding your customers and your bottom line.

Meet us in person!
Interested in transforming or implementing your instant payment processes with unparalleled security? Let’s schedule a 15-minute chat at the Instant Payments & Fraud Management Summit. Share your preferred date and time, and unlock the full potential of safe and seamless transactions with Feedzai.

Main Stage Session
10:30 a.m. – 10:50 a.m.

Fraud Risk Management: A Force for Good in an Instant Payments World
Don’t miss our session with Feedzai fraud prevention experts as they discuss the following:

  • What should we learn about effective fraud controls from countries that have adopted instant payment rails? Which strategies have been successful and what problems should we prepare for?
  • How can real-time fraud platforms and advanced analytics help to provide core detection control for digital payments.
  • How can we strengthen fraud prevention by using a collaborative approach to fuel network scoring via data and intelligence sharing.


Andy Renshaw
SVP of Product Management, Feedzai

Lenny Gusel
Head of Fraud Solutions, North America, Feedzai

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American Banker Payments Forum


Meet Feedzai at American Banker Payments Forum - Booth #9

March 27 & 28

Instant Payments, Instant Risk

Instant payments represent the cutting edge of convenience and customer satisfaction. However, this innovation comes with its own set of challenges, primarily the increased risk of fraud.

Fraudsters can easily exploit a payment that’s sent in the blink of an eye. And once the money is sent, it’s often too late to protect your customers.

Discover Our Insights and Solutions
Join us at the American Banker Payments Forum to gain exclusive insights into:

  • The #1 Mistake Banks Make with Instant Payments: Uncover the common pitfalls that leave banks vulnerable to fraud in the realm of instant transactions.
  • Proactive Fraud Detection: Learn how our cutting-edge technology can help you detect and prevent fraud before it happens, safeguarding your customers and your bottom line.

Let’s Connect
Interested in transforming or implementing your instant payment processes with unparalleled security? Let’s schedule a 15-minute chat at the Payments Forum. Share your preferred date and time, and unlock the full potential of safe and seamless transactions with Feedzai.

Meet Feedzai at Payments Forum

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