Overview of Feedzai’s Anti-Corruption Policy
The Anti-Corruption Policy (full text is Company-Private and not publicly available) of Feedzai Group underscores a firm commitment to conducting business with the utmost legal and ethical standards.
Applicable to all individuals associated with Feedzai, including directors, officers, employees, agents, and representatives, the policy explicitly prohibits bribery, kickbacks, or any form of corruption, whether direct or indirect.
The policy sets a stringent tone by emphasizing a zero-tolerance approach to unethical practices, with potential disciplinary actions, including termination of employment or contractual relationships.
Reporting mechanisms, notably through the Feedzai Hotline, are established to encourage the prompt reporting of violations, with assurance of protection against retaliation for those acting in good faith.
In addition to specific prohibitions on paying or receiving bribes, the policy provides comprehensive guidelines on gifts, meals, entertainment, and employment practices. Notably, it discourages the use of Feedzai funds for gifts, and insists on transparency, record keeping, and approval processes.
The policy extends its reach to third-party relationships, cautioning against situations that might lead to policy violations. It outlines red flags and reporting procedures for potential improprieties by third parties. Political contributions and charitable donations are also addressed, with stringent conditions for permissible contributions and requirements for Compliance Officer approval.
Mandatory compliance procedures and training ensure that all employees are well-versed in the requirements of anti-corruption laws and the policy. The reporting requirements, facilitated through the Feedzai Hotline, are underscored, with a clear stance against retaliation for whistleblowers.
In a nutshell, Feedzai’s Anti-corruption policy serves as a robust framework, guiding individuals associated with Feedzai in upholding the highest standards of integrity and compliance.
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Page printed in March 12, 2025. Plase see https://www.feedzai.com/legal/anti-corruption-policy for the latest version.