Modern Slavery Statement

Feedzai – Consultoria e Inovação Tecnológica, S.A. (“Feedzai”) is the parent company of the Feedzai Group, the market leader in fighting financial crime with AI. The Feedzai Group is coding the future of commerce with today’s most advanced risk management platform powered by big data and machine learning. Founded and developed by data scientists and aerospace engineers, Feedzai has one mission: make banking and commerce safe. Our platform touches people’s lives across the globe, our products and services are ultimately responsible for protecting consumers and therefore, as a business, we need to think beyond our commercial goals, into the wider global impact we can have as a company. Feedzai takes the trust our employees, consumers, and clients have in us very seriously.

With more than 500 employees in several countries, including the UK, the world’s largest banks, processors, and retailers use Feedzai’s fraud prevention and anti-money laundering products to safeguard trillions of dollars and manage risk, while improving customer experience.

As a software company, we have a simple supply chain, composed of different service providers related to revenue / non-revenue services. Considering the nature of Feedzai’s business, we consider that we operate in a low-risk sector.

Despite this, we want our service providers to abide by the same principles as us. With this in mind, we developed a Know Your Vendor (KYV) process, included in our Compliance Policies, aimed at making sure that we only do business with service providers that align with our mindset.

Feedzai has zero tolerance for modern slavery practices and is committed to ensuring that its work environment and business practices are free of any sort of modern slavery and human trafficking, including in its supply chain through its service providers.

To further mitigate the risk of such practices, Feedzai’s Employee Handbook and Code of Business Conduct and Ethics also address this matter. It is clearly stated that Feedzai is fully committed to providing a work environment free from human trafficking and slavery, which includes forced labor and unlawful child labor. It also clearly states that it applies not only to its employees, but also to contractors, subcontractors, vendors, suppliers, partners, and others through whom Feedzai conducts its business.

Additionally, formal training around this topic is provided to all employees upon onboarding and yearly after that.

Feedzai commits to keep monitoring and improving its approach to protecting its work environment and supply chain from any form of modern slavery.

This statement is made under section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Feedzai’s modern slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year from February 2023 to January 2024.*

*In accordance with the guidance from the UK Authority, this Statement applies to the preceding financial year.

Duly approved at Feedzai’s Board of Directors and signed by
Nuno Sebastião, CEO

Page printed in March 12, 2025. Plase see for the latest version.