
Anti-Money Laundering: How to Protect Your Bank’s Brand & Bottom Line

If banks are found to have played a role in enabling criminal activity such as drug sales or human trafficking, they could face significant regulatory fines, civil penalites, customer abandonment, increased regulatory scrutiny, and a badly damaged public reputation.

The good news is it doesn’t have to be this way. In our eBook, Anti-Money Laundering: How to Protect Your Bank’s Brand & Bottom Line, we outline how banks can avoid common AML pitfalls by understanding the root causes behind some of the market’s most frustrating AML challenges.

The eBook is chalked full of important AML compliance insights, such as:

  • How banks can address data silos caused by legacy AML programs;
  • How rules and models can be used to improve the quality and value of alerts;
  • Why individual risk profiles are more valuable than risk cohorts for AML transaction monitoring.

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