Aite-Novarica: Trends in Fraud in the Digital Channel

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Account takeover fraud and scams are on the rise. These trends can be attributed to a multitude of factors, including the global pandemic prompting a surge of customers to embrace digital banking channels, a rise in identity theft, and fraudsters shifting their focus away from stimulus-related fraud.

The Trends in Fraud in the Digital Channel report from Aite-Novarica – based on interviews with 18 North American financial services executives and 32 North American fraud executives – highlights the rising fraud threats that threaten digital banking channels. Read the report to learn:

  • How a sudden rise in digital banking customers contributed to a rise in digital identity theft;
  • Why many US financial institutions struggle to agree on how to measure ATO and scams;
  • The different stages of a digital attack and how FIs can categorize digital fraud.

Download the report!

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Page printed in March 15, 2025. Plase see for the latest version.