
The State Of Explainable AI, 2024

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Unveil the Future of Financial Security with Explainable AI

Trust and transparency are essential for customers and regulators. As financial institutions increasingly integrate AI into their operations, the demand for clarity on how AI decisions are made has never been higher. Forrester’s “State Of Explainable AI, 2024” report provides an indispensable guide for fraud and financial crime professionals seeking to navigate this new terrain with confidence.

Why Explainable AI?
Fraud and financial crime are complex challenges that require sophisticated solutions. Explainable AI offers the transparency needed to build trust, not just with regulators, but with customers and stakeholders, by providing insights into the decision-making processes of AI systems.

What's Inside the Report?

This report is an essential read for fraud and financial crime professionals at financial institutions who are tasked with leveraging technology to safeguard assets, data, and trust. Whether you’re in risk management, compliance, or IT, you’ll find actionable insights and strategies to harness the power of explainable AI in your operations.

Comprehensive Overview

Understand the current landscape of explainable AI across various industries, with a focus on financial services.

Real-World Use Cases

Discover how leading financial institutions are implementing explainable AI to enhance fraud detection and financial crime prevention.

Implementation Strategies

Gain valuable insights on integrating explainable AI into your institution’s framework, ensuring compliance, and fostering trust.

Future Outlook

Explore the evolving role of explainable AI in financial services and how it can be leveraged for greater competitive advantage.

Take the First Step Towards Transparent AI

Unlock the full potential of your AI investments with the insights and guidance provided in Forrester’s “State Of Explainable AI, 2024.” Empower your institution to lead with innovation, backed by the confidence that comes from transparency and understanding.

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