Demonstration of how banks can shift to digital customer lifecycle risk management workflows

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Digital Customer Lifecycle Risk Management 101

The push to digital banking has been gaining steam for years. Thanks to the pandemic, it…

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Feedzai’s Top 10 Fraud & FinCrime Blogs of 2021

First, fraudsters took their layered attacks to new heights with credit card cloning,…

How banks can use pre-transaction data to prevent fraud before it happens

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How to Prevent Fraud Before it Happens

The conventional modus operandi regarding fraud has largely been for banks to react after…

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Why Feedzai’s Revelock Acquisition is a Game-Changer

Today, I’m beyond excited and proud to announce that we’re reinventing the financial…

Illustration demonstrating how digital trust is built

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The 4 Key Elements of Securing Digital Trust

Digital trust is a mechanism for companies to measure confidence in their clients. It…

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