Illustration of hand next to large credit card stealing funds, demonstrating how BIN attacks work and how acquiring banks can protect merchants

0 Comments5 Minutes

BIN Attacks: What Are They and How Can Acquiring Banks Protect Merchants?

We’re battling a silent yet alarming menace – brute force or BIN attacks. BIN attacks are…

Illustration of cybercriminal using Chameleon malware to steal login credentials, passwords, and OTPs to commit account takeover fraud

0 Comments5 Minutes

Chameleon Malware: An Aggressive SMS Reader That Reads Texts and Steals Credentials

A sneaky banking Trojan malware known as “Chameleon” has emerged as one of the latest…

A cartoon man running away from a giant foot. The man is scared and looks like he is about to be stomped. There is a triable with an exclamation mark above him warning him of fraud net zero.

0 Comments7 Minutes

From Zero to Hero: Why ‘Fraud Net Zero’ Should be Adopted by All Participants in the Scam Lifecycle

It’s time to end the finger-pointing. Every company involved in the insidious scam…

Photo of Feedzai's Catarina Godinha, demonstrating how Feedzai Railgun enhances fraud detection with large language models

0 Comments10 Minutes

Feedzai Reinvents Fraud Detection with Near-Limitless Real-time Data Processing

With Railgun, Feedzai has changed the game for risk profiling and fraud detection.…

Illustration of person looking at a giant laptop surrounded by credit and payment cards - a demonstration of how recent Reg II changes and the Durbin Amendment impacts acquiring banks

0 Comments8 Minutes

How Reg II and Durbin Amendment Changes Impact FIs

Will Regulation II get an overhaul? What do banks and financial institutions need to know…

Illustration of digital euro against European continent outline, as part of story on EU payments legislation

0 Comments4 Minutes

EU New Payments Legislation and Implications for Fraud Prevention

In a groundbreaking move, the European Commission has unfurled new payments legislation…

Illustration of magnifying glass over analytics charts to demonstrate how financial institutions can use machine learning technology for specific business value

0 Comments8 Minutes

Buzzword vs. Business Value: How to Implement Machine Learning for Fraud Detection

Machine learning is a hot topic in the banking industry today. But machine learning is…

0 Comments11 Minutes

Behavioral Biometrics: Next-Generation Fraud Prevention

Understanding layering in money laundering is the first step necessary for banks to…

Illustration demonstrating how bad actors commit synthetic identity fraud to create new profiles and open bank accounts

0 Comments9 Minutes

How Synthetic Identity Fraud and Account Opening Work Together

Synthetic identity fraud goes together with account opening fraud like peanut butter goes…

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